Recent Advances in Conservation Genetics (ConGen)
American Genetics Association
10-day intensive course in methods, interpretation, and applications of molecular genetic analyses for conservation of endangered species
Summer Teaching Institute for Associates
University of California Santa Barbara Graduate Division
A program that provides graduate student Teaching Associates with a teaching orientation that helps prepare them for teaching as the Instructor of Record in Summer session.
Advanced Data Analysis (ESM 244)
University of California Santa Barbara
Explored advanced topics in data science and used computer labs to apply our knowledge and skills in R. Topics include: bootstrapping, non-linear models, panel regression, path analysis, dimensional reduction + ordination methods, binary, ordinal and multinomial logistic regression, intro to time-series analysis, introduction to spatial statistics and analysis (exploration, visualization, organization, analysis, interpretation, and communication).
Statistics and Data Science in Environmental Science and Management (ESM 266)
University of California Santa Barbara
Developed critical thinking, technical and communication skills to successfully approach and answer environmental questions using quantitative and qualitative data. Topics include: descriptive statistics, experimental design, uncertainty, exploratory data analysis, basic probability theory, hypothesis testing, data visualization and communication. Skills will be developed through analysis of real-world datasets using R and RStudio software.
DNA Barcoding Project
University of California Santa Barbara
Learned and implemented DNA extraction methods for low volume plant tissue samples, PCR reactions, how to analyze DNA sequences and generate DNA barcodes using the DNA Subway web site.
WiSE (Women in Stem and Engineering): Committee Member & Mentor